Carry up activities (seminars, discussion panels,
advocacy meetings, public events…etc) that support
the Lebanese women associations’ initiatives in
amending discriminatory laws against women such as
(nationality law, personal code, criminalizing
domestic and family violence…etc)
Address justice and the rule of law issue through
holding awareness raising workshops, and meetings
with Palestinian political leaders and security
committees within the Palestinian camps.
Hold a conference at the end of each year to share
the outcomes, results, challenges and difficulties
of this project |
Produce 4 bi-yearly reports about thematic situation
of Palestinian women within Lebanon.
Develop a webpage within our website for the project
for further awareness, and dissemination of the
project’s carried activities, achievements, outcomes
Produce promotional and educational materials
including documentary film, brochures, posters and
simplified educational booklets about women rights
and gender equality |